How you can support the new dairy campaign

First published20 May 2020

AHDB’s new 'Milk Your Moments' consumer marketing campaign went live on Friday and is focused around sharing moments of connection that bring people together whilst physically apart due to coronavirus. 

The campaign highlights how milk and dairy has always featured in situations we took for granted before the lockdown – a catch up with a colleague over coffee (or at the market), tea with your mum or grandma reading a bedtime story with a glass of milk.

They’re encouraging consumers to create and share their own ‘moments’ by visiting the Milk Your Moments website for inspiration, which will also make a £1 donation to mental health charities Mind, SAMH and Inspire on their behalf.

How you can get involved and support the campaign

AHDB is keen for you to get involved and promote the campaign so it's seen by more people and helps consumers connect with dairy farming, as well as enhancing their reputation.

There are three ways you can support the campaign:

1. Share the campaign graphics via your own social media accounts

Download and share a choice of images to post on social media, or like and share the posts on the @MilkYourMoment handles on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

2. Create and share your own moment on social media

Create your own moment using the farm, cows or the countryside as your inspiration.

Share it on social media using #MilkYourMoments, encouraging your followers to like and share or nominate other farmers to create their own moment.

3. Download posters to display to the public

If you have areas visited by consumers such as vending machines or a farm shop, print off our poster to help promote the campaign.

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