The event urged attendees to pledge support (see below) to the industry and to help to create a domestic agricultural policy that promotes profitable and competitive farming outside the EU.
Just days after the UK voted to leave the EU, the NFU is engaging with government to ensure a strong basis of support for the farming sector – the bedrock of the UK’s largest manufacturing industry, food and drink, which is worth £108billion.
NFU President Meurig Raymond said it is so important that agriculture is part of the political conversation right from the inception of new domestic policies.
Mr Raymond said: “This event is the perfect opportunity to urge MPs across the political spectrum that the government cannot ignore the economic importance of the agricultural sector – we want to see action being taken to ensure farming in this country has a thriving future outside of the EU.
“Food security is not a party-political issue. MPs from all sides should be taking the farming sector very seriously – farmers’ ability to feed the nation, and play a part in feeding the world, depends on it.
“The impact of Brexit on the farming sector is huge; trade agreements, access to labour, farm support and regulation are all crucial to agriculture’s future. We’re now presented with a blank canvas for a domestic agricultural policy which is an opportunity for Parliament to shape a prosperous future for farming in this country.
“The NFU as the lead farming representative trade body in the heart of Westminster is urging MPs and Lords to come away from today’s event championing the farming sector. Farming cannot be sidelined if the economy is important to this government.”