This is because the Welsh Government has asked the VOA to start preparing to carry out a revaluation of all domestic properties in Wales and some property classes, including farmhouses, require more property specific information than others to ensure they are given an accurate Council Tax banding.
Dwelling houses
In general, dwelling houses on farms tend to attract a lower valuation than their equivalent in a village or town for a number of reasons but also to reflect that they are occupied as part of the agricultural business. It is therefore very important that NFU Cymru members who have received this questionnaire from the VOA respond to make sure the correct valuation principles are applied to the property. Even if members have missed the 21 day deadline it is not too late to return the form to ensure that the correct valuation as a farmhouse is considered and applied.
Details of how to respond are included in the correspondence farmers received.
Although the questionnaire does ask questions about the land with which the house is occupied it will not affect any Business Rates exemption there is on the agricultural land and buildings. The question is more to ascertain that the house is used in connection with the agricultural operations and the more land that is occupied, the easier it is to make this connection.
Other points that can be considered for valuation purposes include any planning conditions restricting occupancy to only agricultural workers and proximity to fam buildings especially where there might be noise, smell and dust instances which might not be found outside of a farm.
Further information
If you have received communication from the VOA and still have questions, please call NFU CallFirst on 0370 8458458 for further assistance.