Usk group secretary retires after 31 years' service

29 June 2021

Ian Parry, who has worked for NFU Cymru as a Group Secretary in the Usk office since 1990, will retire this week after 31 years of service.

Ian, who has partnered with Andy Hilditch to form a very strong ‘Hilditch and Parry’ partnership, has always supported his members when they have needed him.

Working closely with Andy, they have grown the NFU Cymru memberships in Usk and the surrounding area.

Ian has always enjoyed visiting his local members to discuss farming and insurance matters.

Stella Owen, NFU Cymru County Adviser for Monmouthshire said:

“Ian has hardly missed a county meeting in his time as group secretary in Usk and has embraced many of the unravelling policies over the years, including CAP Reform and bovine TB. He has witnessed schemes moving towards agri-environment with the inception of Tir Cynnal, Tir Gofal and more latterly Glastir. Ian has offered a sterling service to members in assisting with IACS forms and now the Single Application Forms and appeal work. His commitment to the union’s membership has been exceptional and his support to the NFU Cymru team will be sorely missed.

“NFU Cymru in the past has held staff conferences with a little quiz as part of the day and Ian’s knowledge has always been exceptional. During the Covid-19 lockdown, Monmouthshire went up against Brecon and Radnor teams in a virtual quiz and Ian’s team performed extremely well with a set of rather difficult questions. Needless to say, ‘Team Parry’ walked away winning the best farming photograph.

“Outside of work Ian enjoys off road motor sports and enjoys competing against other drivers. He has been successful at a competitive level over the years. Ian will no doubt be looking forward to retirement and enjoying time with his wife Janet and looking forward to seeing his three daughters starting on their own career paths. Ian won’t be a stranger to us though and as members and staff we will be looking forward to seeing him at Raglan Market or Usk Show over the coming years.”

John Mercer, NFU Cymru Director said: “I would like to thank Ian for his hard work and support over the last 30 years. He has served the members of the Usk office tirelessly and will be missed by the whole NFU Cymru network. On behalf of the NFU Cymru team I wish Ian a very long, happy and healthy retirement.”

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