Have your say on PPE supply issues affecting agriculture - take our survey

The NFU wants to better understand disruption to the usual supply of face masks and other PPE in agriculture and is asking members to complete an online survey.

The availability of PPE changes each week so even if you completed the survey last week we would like to hear from you again and how things may have changed for you.

Many industries, including agriculture, use face masks and other items of personal protective equipment (PPE) as part of normal everyday operations to protect workers from the effects of harmful substances.

Since March 2020, the supply of PPE including FFP2 and FFP3 respiratory face masks has been disrupted because of interruptions to manufacturing across the world and because of a huge increase in demand from the health sector to protect care workers.

The information provided through this survey will be used to help the NFU gauge the level of disruption in supply to agriculture as a whole and which sectors are affected the most.

The NFU is working with other stakeholders and liaising with government to prioritise the availability of PPE to essential roles in the food sector, while recognising the vital need to protect front line workers in the NHS first.

Every industry is experiencing disruption to normal PPE supplies. Members will be aware that the supply of PPE is a national priority and it may be some time before solutions are found and the PPE supply chain is back to normal.

Click here for more information on the effect of COVID-19 on PPE supplies for agriculture.

Take the survey

Click here to take the NFU's 'Face Mask and other PPE Use' survey.

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.

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