Farm safety activity books for rural schools

First published22 December 2022

Mother and child holding hands in front of an agricultural vehicle

At this year’s Winter Fair in Builth Wells, Welsh Government Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths launched a new bilingual farm safety publicity campaign targeting primary-age school children in Wales.   

Produced by the Wales Farm Safety Partnership (WFSP), a collaboration of some of the key rural stakeholder organisations in Wales (including NFU Cymru), a short video together with two colourful A4 workbooks aimed at children aged from four to seven and from seven to eleven years old, will encourage these age groups to learn about the importance of farm safety and protect themselves from some of the most common hazards on farms.  

We're encouraging rural schools to use these booklets to educate children of the dangers on farm.

The Minister's comments

During her presentation, the Minister for Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths MS said: “Farms are wonderful places for children to grow up and provide great experiences for them. However, farms can be dangerous places too and tragically, accidents relating to children continue to occur on farms here in Wales year after year – each one a heart-breaking tragedy that can devastate families, friends and rural communities.

“It is critical that we all work together to do all we can to raise awareness of this important subject amongst young children and their families and I am therefore delighted to launch these important new resources for our primary school children.” 

The resources

The video (English and Welsh)

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