Bovine TB - where we are now

21 August 2024

Aled Jones with his cows

Bovine TB continues to cause heartache to farming families across Wales with over 11,000 animals slaughtered in Wales between April 2023 and March 2024 due to the disease, according to the latest Defra figures.

In addition, a member survey conducted by NFU Cymru last year showed that of the 500 farmers surveyed 93% said they were extremely concerned or very concerned about bovine TB.

It is for these reasons that the eradication of bovine TB remains one of NFU Cymru's main policy priorities.  

On this webpage


NFU Cymru President Aled Jones said: “Welsh Government has an ambition for Wales to be TB free by 2041. NFU Cymru has long said that for this ambition to be achieved, we must implement a comprehensive eradication strategy in Wales that deals with the disease wherever it exists. We cannot ignore the peer-reviewed studies based on the experience in England - the Birch review, the Godfray review and the Downs et al review - which show that wildlife control has a significant part to play in controlling this disease.

“The NFU Cymru TB Focus Group is doing positive work looking at ways to reduce the impact of TB on farmers without risking disease control. We’ve made some significant progress in certain areas including to the testing regime, the governance structure associated with the Welsh Government TB Programme and movement licensing. However, to give the future generations of cattle farmers in Wales a chance of farming without this devastating disease, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture, which is eradication. This is why NFU Cymru continues to call for a comprehensive eradication strategy that deals with the disease in all its vectors.”

Where we are now

In 2021, NFU Cymru set up its TB Focus Group with the aim of examining all aspects and impacts of this terrible disease. This is made up of dairy and livestock farmers from across Wales. The group has been instrumental in working with Welsh Government and the wider industry to make progress on certain elements to go some way to alleviate the pressures caused by TB without risking disease control.

A report listing the group’s recommendations was sent to Welsh Government and since then, the union has used every opportunity to highlight to Welsh Government the impact bovine TB continues to have on Welsh cattle keepers and to press for changes.

NFU Cymru regularly hosts Members of the Senedd on farm where TB is always high on the agenda. The union also works with the media to highlight the impact this disease continues to have and to ensure the farmers’ side of the debate is put forward.

Members share impact of bovine TB on farmers

How to access support

From the results of the NFU Cymru survey and our many discussions with members on this issue, it's very apparent that bovine TB continues to causes emotional and financial stress to farming families. There is support out there, and we would urge anyone who is struggling to contact one of the charities below.

DPJ Foundation

Available 24/7

Tir Dewi

7am – 10pm 365 days a year

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institute (RABI)
Farming Help (FCN, Addington Fund, Forage Aid)

7am-11pm 365 days a year


24/7 support


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