Egg and poultry meat marketing regulations – Welsh Government opens consultation

31 July 2024

Hens outside in a yard

NFU Cymru is pleased that Welsh Government has this week launched a public consultation on the grace periods in egg and poultry meat marketing standards legislation in Wales.

NFU Cymru has been calling for this as part of its four key policy asks on Avian Influenza.

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones has been following this ask up with the Welsh Government at every opportunity, following a similar consultation by the governments in England and Scotland (which concluded just before the general election and is awaiting new ministerial steer).

What the consultation is seeking

This public consultation seeks views on whether to adopt the same policy in Wales, which would also be the policy being adopted in England and Scotland and indeed across the EU.

Specifically, it would.

  • introduce a change to the Egg Marketing Regulations to remove the 16-week derogation period, so that eggs can continue to be labelled as free-range throughout the duration of a compulsory housing requirement under Avian Influenza prevention measures and would be the case only during an AI outbreak; and
  • to amend the Poultry meat Marketing Regulations by removing 12-week derogation that would enable poultry meat to be labelled as free-range for the duration of any mandatory housing measures.

The consultation is being conducted over a 6-week period and will close on Monday 9 September and can be accessed via the Welsh Government website Responses can be made using the online link or by downloading the questions and emailing the response or submitting a response by post.

NFU Cymru Policy Adviser Dafydd Jarrett said: “We are encouraging members to submit a response to this consultation so that there can be a national approach to legislation and any potential housing measures if needed. We will be submitting our own response outlining the importance of this GB approach.”

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