Welsh Government must act now and provide support

As part of Defra’s announcement, eligible dairy farmers in England will each be able to access up to £10,000 in support to help them overcome the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Welsh Government is yet to make any public announcement of funding support for Welsh dairy farmers, many of whom have also been severely impacted by the impact of the Coronavirus outbreak.

Following the announcement that Defra has made funding available to those dairy farmers in England most affected by the Coronavirus outbreak, NFU Cymru has signalled its ‘disappointment’ that Welsh Government has not yet taken similar action to support dairy farmers in Wales.

NFU Cymru Deputy President Aled Jones said: “The loss of markets overnight as a result of Covid-19 has affected dairy farmers across the UK, causing severe financial hardship to those producers supplying processors who have been most impacted by the closure of  the food service and hospitality sector, in particular. Whilst we welcome the fact that Defra has recognised this impact and announced a hardship package of direct financial aid for those dairy farmers most impacted in England, we cannot hide our disappointment that Welsh Government has yet to follow suit for farmers in Wales facing similar pressures.

“We cannot express enough the urgency of the situation and we hope that Welsh Government will now  act and come forward, without further delay, with direct financial support for businesses and farming families left in an extremely vulnerable position because of the impact of Covid-19 on the marketplace. As every day passes, these businesses face further financial pressure and additional strain.

“In recent weeks NFU Cymru has presented the Minister and her officials with evidence highlighting the impact the loss of these markets is having on our dairy farming members. We have continually pressed on our Minister the urgency of the situation. As each day passes the situation on farm only intensifies. We’ve provided Welsh Government with the evidence - we now need action.”

Gofynnwch gwestiwn i ni am y dudalen hon

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