Information alert: The Welsh Government are building the new Welsh cattle movement system and service based on the sheep, deer and goat service, EID Cymru in Aberystwyth.
As well as core statutory movement data, the new system will allow Welsh keepers to pre movement report, include double ended movement reports and haulier details all voluntarily.
Welsh Government are aiming to consult, in summer 2021, on new statutory livestock movement requirements to include Bovine EID, paperless movement reporting for all species and the use of EID Cymru as an electronic herd/flock register.
The aim is to include TB, BVD and quality assurance data on the system from day 1 where that is possible.
The system will keep evolving post launch and discussions on how they can continue to grow the database to aid informed purchasing and value added services will take place.
Welsh Government are working across all devolved administrations to discuss how they share data for cross border moves and they confirm their commitment to ensuring that full traceability of livestock is at the forefront of the respective developments. This has been the major NFU Cymru ask from the very beginning along with the user friendliness of the site.