President's New Year message

NFU Cymru President Aled Jones provides his New Year message reflecting on 2024 and looking ahead to 2025.

“2024 began with Welsh farmers expressing concern, worry, frustration and - at times - anger over Welsh Government’s proposals within its ‘Keep Farmers Farming’ consultation. The year ends with similar emotions being expressed over the UK Government’s family farm tax changes.

Senedd Wellies NFU Cymru

“We end the year and begin 2025 with the extreme worry the removal of the inheritance tax reliefs is having on our farming families. We must stop the UK Government from introducing this family farm tax. My message to UK Government is simple: pause the proposals, consult with industry and undertake a comprehensive impact assessment that considers the long-term impact of these changes on farming families and food production.

Sustainable Farming Scheme Roadshow events

“In December, NFU Cymru engaged with a thousand farming businesses as part of our Sustainable Farming Scheme Roadshow events presenting Welsh Government’s revised scheme outline. Our members recognised the progress that has been made with the development of the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) since the beginning of the year and I would like to place on record my thanks to the Deputy First Minister for the partnership approach he has established since his appointment in March.

“That said, we all recognise that there is much more work to be done to ensure that the SFS will work for all farm sectors, farm types, land areas, for tenant farmers and for those farms with common land, and on the scheme detail to make sure that it is manageable and avoids duplication with other supply chain requirements, including farm assurance.  

“In particular, members, have highlighted the need for the 10% habitat scheme rule to better reflect the wide diversity of temporary and permanent habitats we have on our farms. They were very clear that hedges and other traditional boundary features must be included within the scheme rule.

Huw Irranca-Davies at SFS drop-in session 200324

“Ultimately the decision to join the scheme or not will depend on payment rates, which must reflect not only the costs associated with adhering to scheme rules and delivering the Universal Actions, but also fairly value the economic, social, cultural and environmental contribution that Welsh farming delivers for society. The payment methodology must reflect all four Sustainable Land Management Objectives within the Agriculture (Wales) Act. 

“I welcome the Deputy First Minister’s commitment to a comprehensive economic analysis and impact assessment of the revised proposals to understand what the scheme will mean for farmers and wider society. This work is vital and NFU Cymru remains clear that the SFS should provide the same level of stability to farm businesses, our rural communities and the supply chain as the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) does currently.

BPS 2025 funding

“At a time of significant upheaval, the Deputy First Minister’s decision to maintain the BPS at current funding levels for 2025 has provided much needed short-term stability and certainty to Welsh farming, along with the thousands of ancillary businesses that rely on farming for so much of their income. Looking to the future, we need a multi annual funding agreement that will provide long term stability and certainty to farming families. Welsh farming is being asked to deliver more than ever before in relation to food security, climate, nature and communities and we need a budget to ensure we can deliver on our ambitions.

Bovine TB

“I am pleased that the Welsh Government TB Programme Board met for the first time recently, with Radnor farmer Sharon Hammond as Chair. I welcome the strong representation of farmers and farm vets on the board and this, alongside the positive work of the farmers and vets involved in the Pembrokeshire project and the implementation by government of several of the recommendations of the NFU Cymru TB Focus Group, highlights the ongoing work to make improvements to TB policy. However, in the 12 months to September 2024, a staggering 12,278 cattle were slaughtered because of bovine TB, an increase of 27% on the previous year and the most over any 12 month period since 2009. Politics must be taken out of disease control and a science and evidence-led comprehensive TB eradication programme implemented if we are ever going to eradicate this dreadful disease from our countryside.

Water quality regulations

“It is a source of significant regret to us that, almost four years after their introduction, the very serious concerns expressed by NFU Cymru in relation to the Water Quality Regulations are being borne out on farms across Wales. Recently we met with Dr Susannah Bolton, Independent Chair of Welsh Government’s statutory review of the regulations, and we were able to present to her the results of our survey asking farmers for their ‘on the ground’ experiences relating to the implementation of the regulations. It is clear that a ‘farming by calendar’ approach does not work and the records and inspection regime must be overhauled. A long-term sustainable solution to the 170 kg N/ha limit from organic manures must be found and with the mean cost of investment at around £100,000 before planning and consultancy costs are included, the affordability of the regulations must be addressed. This review must be used as the opportunity to deliver a more proportionate and achievable set of regulations that addresses water quality where it is shown to be needed.  

NFU Cymru meeting with Dr Susannah Bolton

“At our recent roadshows it was immediately apparent that the Sustainable Farming Scheme, inheritance tax, bovine TB and water quality regulations are impacting on the confidence of Welsh farming families, and their hopes and aspirations. I reiterate my call for government to establish an independent review group to consider the cumulative burden of regulations and policies on Welsh farming.

Mass lobby of MPs in Westminster

“Returning to the family farm tax, I must thank farmers across the nation for all the work you have done so far. It was a privilege to stand alongside the many hundreds of Welsh farmers who joined our lobby in Westminster in November. I must also thank the many non-farming readers and the wider public for their support. Knowing we have the backing of so many people who buy our products each day is heartening. I would ask for your continued support in the weeks ahead. We are also asking our members to meet with their MPs and to explain to them first-hand the impact this tax on hard working farming families will have on our ability to pass our farms on to our next generation, while also showing them that the Treasury lines claiming that only a few farms will be affected by the APR / BPR changes are wrong. 


“It has been a year of significant upheaval but despite all the challenges we face I am constantly amazed by the strength and resilience of Welsh farming. Over 6,000 farmers supported us by submitting their own individual response to the SFS consultation through our online portal. They also helped us place 5,500 pairs of wellies on the steps of the Senedd one cold and misty morning in March - one of the most impactful pieces of lobbying seen at the Senedd.

“I am immensely proud of the work of farmers Angharad and Anna who delivered a virtual live lesson to around 20,000 primary school children as part of our Welsh Food and Farming Week in June, and the sheer volume of UK wide awards won by Welsh farmers in 2024 is testament to the world leading skills and expertise we have as a nation.

WFW Live Lesson

“I urge you all to stay safe and I wish you a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

“Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd.”

Gofynnwch gwestiwn i ni am y dudalen hon

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno’ch ymholiad bydd NFU Cymru yn cysylltu â chi ac, os yw’n briodol, bydd eich cwestiwn yn cael ei drosglwyddo i un o’n timau polisi.

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