Have your say on bovine TB

20 Gorffennaf 2023

NFU Cymru is encouraging all members with cattle to respond to its survey on bovine TB and to document the disease’s impact on their Welsh farming business.

The union is currently conducting a short survey, emailed to every member who keeps cattle, which aims to capture members’ views on a range of bovine TB-related issues and impacts including disease control and spread, financial cost to businesses and communication from government.

The anonymous poll will also seek farmers’ opinions on the impact that bovine TB has on their mental wellbeing and that of their family.

Burden of bovine TB

NFU Cymru Bovine TB Focus Group Chairman Roger Lewis said: “Regrettably, many farmers in Wales know all too well the burden placed on farming businesses by bovine TB. We hear far too often distressing stories about farming families whose livelihoods have been turned upside down by the loss of cattle to the disease, while others are hamstrung by the movement restrictions imposed on their business after a breakdown.

"By participating in this survey, Welsh members are giving us the opportunity to piece together an accurate picture of the direct and indirect impacts of bovine TB on farming across Wales. This data will be a powerful tool for the union and our Bovine TB Focus Group as we continue to lobby for better policy and the hope of future farming without the threat of this dreadful disease.

The survey

Responses to the survey will be completely anonymous and confidential. We encourage all NFU Cymru members in the beef and dairy sectors to respond to this important online survey with their views so we can ensure the industry’s bovine TB struggles are accurately reflected.

If you have not received a link to the survey please fill in the query box below or call 01982 554200. Alternatively, members of staff will be encouraging members to fill in the survey during the Royal Welsh Show, simply visit the stand and talk to a member of the team.

The survey closes on Wednesday 2 August.

Join us at the Royal Welsh Show

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