NFU Cymru rejects NRW hikes to fees and charges

NFU Cymru has expressed strong opposition to Natural Resources Wales’ (NRW) proposed hikes to its regulatory fees and charges.

Update - 31 March 2023

NRW have confirmed that Welsh Government is continuing to undertake the necessary assurance work on the permitting proposals. Advice will then be provided to the Minister and a decision taken thereafter.  NRW’s application charges for permits and licences will remain at 2022/23 rates until superseded by the introduction of any new charging scheme. From 1 April 2023, NRW’s subsistence charges will increase by 6% in a number of key regimes including water resources, water quality, reservoir compliance and flood risk activity. 

The proposals, set out in the NRW consultation which closed on 7 January 2023, put forward increases across a number of charging regimes relating to agriculture which will come into effect from April 2023. 

The proposals

  • A 10-fold increase in the cost of new applications for land spreading of spent or unused sheep dip to £3,728.
  • An increase from £135 to £6,327 to the cost of new licences for abstraction/impoundment of water.
  • An end to the tiered charging approach for hydro-electric power applications. 

NRW has also consulted on an hourly rate of £125/hour for pre-application advice and a 6% increase for the annual fees it charges to recover the costs of monitoring and assessing compliance with permit conditions.

Industry dismay

Commenting on NRW proposals, NFU Cymru Rural Affairs Board Chairman Hedd Pugh said: “In the context of the very significant inflationary pressures faced by farm businesses for key inputs such as energy, feed and fertiliser, the industry is dismayed at NRW’s proposals. 

“While we understand that NRW has a duty to recover costs and is unable to cross subsidise various charging regimes, farmers will be astonished at the scale of the proposed cost increases, which are excessive and prohibitive to many farm businesses in Wales.


“NFU Cymru has substantial concerns about the level of transparency shown by NRW in how it has calculated the proposed increases. The union has stressed in its response that the onus is on NRW to show that the costs are fair, proportionate and competitive and the regulatory body is doing everything it can to keep the costs to a minimum and deliver value for money.

“NFU Cymru is extremely concerned that the proposals, as they stand, will have serious unintended consequences and perverse impacts.  They work against Welsh Government overarching policy objectives including net zero, a circular economy and animal health and welfare and will deter the adoption of enterprises, technologies and practices that deliver wider environmental and socio-economic benefits on Welsh farms.


“There can be no doubt that NRW’s proposals to increase the costs for sheep dip disposal 10 times will hinder efforts to eradicate sheep scab, which has been identified by the Wales Animal Health and Welfare Framework Group as a long-standing priority. It seems perverse to us that NRW has brought forward these proposals taking into account that sheep dipping is the key tool in the armoury against the disease and given Welsh Government’s recent investment in a project aimed at sheep scab eradication. 

“NFU Cymru is keen to identify and develop solutions that enable NRW to keep its costs to farmers under control. We are also clear there are strong arguments for the use of waivers and reductions in fees where permits and licences support practices that deliver wider environmental and socio-economic benefits.”

Key points raised in NFU Cymru's response:

  • NFU Cymru strongly opposes NRW’s proposed charges for new and amended permits which involve several fold increases for some regimes.
  • NFU Cymru has substantial concerns about the level of transparency in how the proposed charge increases have been calculated. The onus is on NRW to demonstrate greater transparency and show that these costs are fair, proportionate and competitive. 
  • NRW must also show that it is efficient in its processes and doing everything it can to keep the costs of these services to a minimum and deliver value for money.
  • There is a significant risk of unintended consequences or perverse impacts if these proposed changes go ahead including curbing the adoption of new technologies/innovations/enterprises; putting up barriers to new entrants to the industry; impacting animal health and welfare; and damaging industry-NRW relations.
  • NFU Cymru is keen to identify and develop solutions that provide mutual benefit to NRW and the industry to help keep costs down.
  • We recognise this will take time so we strongly recommend a delay in the implementation of any charge changes to allow for additional dialogue and solutions of mutual benefit.
  • NFU Cymru believes grant in aid should continue to contribute to permitting fees where permits have additional, broader socio-economic and public good benefits.

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This page was first published on 06 Ionawr 2023. It was updated on 04 Ebrill 2023.

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