NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual 2022 Livestock Champion Award winner announced

28 Tachwedd 2022

Ernie Richards, a shepherd near Clyro has been announced as the winner of the NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual Welsh Livestock Champion of the Year Award 2022 at today’s Royal Welsh Winter Fair in Llanelwedd.

The competition has been on the lookout for its eighth winner and recognises the key role a good livestock manager can make to a livestock farm and to the wider Welsh livestock industry.

First time farmer

Despite not being from a farming background, Ernie’s passion for the agricultural industry began at a young age where he spent weekends and school holidays at his grandparent’s smallholding in Hereford.

After leaving school, Ernie worked on various mixed farms as well as attending Holme Lacy Agricultural College before undertaking a four-year degree in Agriculture and Animal Science at Aberystwyth University.

About Ernie

During his placement year, Ernie worked on a large mixed farm near Kendal, Cumbria as well as spending time on a large sheep farm in Ontario, Canada. After graduating, he did a harvest season on a mixed farm in Herefordshire before spending time in New Zealand working on a beef and sheep station.

Ernie currently works as a shepherd for Stuart Morris and family on their sheep farm near Clyro. He has managed the flock of 1,000 Pedigree Lleyn ewes for the past seven years. Along with Stuart and his wife Helen, Ernie runs a pure flock sale annually selling up to 350 yearlings, both at the Lleyn society sales and off the farm. They also finish all of the entire ram lambs, selling them deadweight for maximum return.

Ernie also undertakes general farm tasks including livestock handling, farm maintenance and is taking on more of a role within the farm business. Ernie lives on the farm with his girlfriend Anna and their young son Harry.

Flock health

His job is to manage the flock and part of that role is to review the systems in place to ensure they are maximising what they produce. To create added value to the stock, Ernie focuses on flock health and performance, and he has been involved with HCC in a lamb performance trial, monitored health scheme and promotional media activity. Ernie is also part of a sheep discussion group with Farming Connect and the HCC Meat Quality Project.

Ernie plays an integral role on the current NFU Cymru Next Generation Group and feels it is very important to spread the farming message and engage with the public. He is also part of the Farmer Time Scheme, set up with LEAF, and has regular contact with a group of four to seven-year-old pupils to educate them about farm life.

Farm safety

When it comes to health and safety, Ernie has learnt from Stuart, who is very conscious about farm safety, meaning he has become better at recognising potential risks before and during taking part in any tasks. Ernie is a certified NFYFC Curve modular trainer, which enables him to deliver farm safety courses at YFC clubs. He feels mental health can often be overlooked and that poor mental health can impact how farm safety is conducted on the farm.

Presenting Ernie with the prize of £500, sponsored by NFU Mutual, and a Royal Welsh engraved crystal trophy, Chairman of NFU Cymru’s Livestock Board, Rob Lewis, said: “The role Ernie plays in the business is not one we come across very often. Seeing how he and Stuart work together is testament to both Stuart’s willingness to hand over responsibility and Ernie’s passion for farming, as well as his will to succeed. Ernie uses social media to sell sheep and embracing this has helped the business develop in recent years. As a young farmer he is always looking for ways to learn and to improve the way things are done on the farm, and hearing about his enthusiasm for farming, and the care and consideration he gives to all of the tasks he undertakes proves he is a worthy winner for this year’s Livestock Champion of the Year award.”

Mike Thomas, NFU Mutual Senior Agent and NFU Cymru Group Secretary, who was part of the judging panel, said: “It was clear to see the enthusiasm Ernie has for the agricultural industry as soon as we met with him. He was passionate about all things sheep but also educating the next generation about where their food comes from and as a young farmer himself this was great to see. Ernie’s thoughts around mental health and farm safety were especially important and NFU Mutual is pleased to recognise and champion good stockpeople who incorporate the best livestock practices with high standards of on-farm safety.”

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