NFU Cymru hosts Powys stakeholder event as part of Welsh Farming Week

18 Mehefin 2024

As part of its annual Celebration of Welsh Farming Week campaign, NFU Cymru has held a Powys stakeholder event in the heart of the county on the Royal Welsh Showground.

The event saw NFU Cymru bring together partners and organisations from across Wales to discuss opportunities to work together locally for the benefit of Welsh agriculture.

Opening the networking event, Rob Powell said:

“Every farming business supports a significant number of wider businesses. The reliance on a functioning, viable farming sector is vital to many families, businesses, communities and organisations in a rural county such as Powys.

“Our ability as a nation to feed itself is of growing importance in a world which is increasingly unstable as conflict rages in many parts of the globe, supply chains are increasingly stressed and our climate changes. Welsh farmers produce sustainable food for the future and we’re here to do that. We produce safe, high-quality food while looking after and enhancing after the environment.”

Campaign Launch

The union, having launched its Secure the Future of Welsh Food / Diogelu Dyfodol Bwyd Cymru campaign, is hoping to see significant numbers signing the online pledge which will underline  the high level of public support for food produced in Wales.

Those attending the event included local MS James Evans, Wynnstay, Hay and Brecon Farmers, Wales YFC, Radnor YFC, Montgomery YFC as well as Brecon Beacons National Park Authority, Powys County Council Cabinet Members, Neath Port Talbot Colleges, and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services.

NFU Cymru Deputy President Abi Reader said: “Ultimately, we want policymakers to see that the Welsh public want future support to deliver on the production of safe, sustainable, high-quality food produced in Wales. By holding this event we have spoken to organisations across the county about our aspirations for Welsh food and explained the importance of supporting home-grown food.

“The host of stakeholders engaging with NFU Cymru is significant, and the message was how we are all interlinked and the role that productive, progressive and profitable farming businesses play in securing a vibrant future for Powys. I was delighted with the support and enthusiasm for Welsh farming expressed at our event today, the recognition of Welsh faming as a leading food provider for Wales, whilst contributing to the environment, economic and social asks is heartening and encouraging. We know our farmers in Powys, and beyond, can deliver. We sincerely hope the general public get behind the campaign and sign up to the pledge.”

Visit or follow the #SecureWelshFood #DiogeluBwydCymru hashtags on NFU Cymru’s Facebook, X and Instagram accounts for more details on the public campaign and to find farmer-facing and public-facing resources to support the cause.

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