The beef and sheep farmer, who also works for Dunbia as a Fresh Food Operations Manager successfully completed the Institute of Meat’s rigorous assessment process and now qualifies to use the Master Butcher post nominal letters, MB.Inst.M.
NFU Cymru Deputy President Abi Reader said: “I would like to congratulate Rob on this fantastic achievement. The hard work and skill it takes to become a butcher, never mind a Master Butcher, is something that takes a lot training and he has now furthered his skill set by gaining this qualification. Well done Rob.”
On receiving the award, Robert Powell said: “I am a seventh-generation partner in the family farm and started my butchery career as a Saturday boy at a local butcher. I am thrilled to receive this accolade as acknowledgement of my work and efforts within a sector that I love.
“My roots are in agriculture, spanning over seven generations, and over ten years with Dunbia and Dawn operations. My background in the industry has taken me from farm through to becoming a slaughterman, butcher, site manager of an abattoir and now Operations Manager in a retail site supplying all the major supermarkets."