How to lobby your local MP/MS on issues that matter to you

27 Gorffennaf 2021

We've put together a guide for members on how to lobby your local MP/MS on the issues that matter to you, your business and your local area. 

This guide shares our top tips on arranging an on-farm meeting as well as ways you can lobby your local MP/MS on social media (skip to our social media guide here).

1. Get a meeting in the diary

a. In your approach to your MP/MS, be clear and concise about why you’d like them to visit/meet you.

b. MP/MSs are busy people – so make sure you give them a real incentive to visit.

c. Be understanding and considerate of your MP/MS’s time constraints

2. Preparation is key

a. Plan an itinerary for the visit – e.g. farm walk or a meeting in one of your sheds - remember bad weather contingency plans! Also, make sure plans are in place to ensure you adhere to all Covid-19 rules, as set out by Welsh Government.

b. Set a clear agenda – work with your local NFU Cymru contact to outline the topics you want to cover with your MP/MS and send it to them ahead of the meeting.

c. Make it fun – Your farm is your selling point so think of a good photo opportunity.

Gofynnwch gwestiwn i ni am y dudalen hon

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno’ch ymholiad bydd NFU Cymru yn cysylltu â chi ac, os yw’n briodol, bydd eich cwestiwn yn cael ei drosglwyddo i un o’n timau polisi.

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