Cows on Tour supports Coleg Gwent Independent Livi

03 Hydref 2019

The program is designed to encourage young learners to manage their own money, cook their own food, and plan their own career whilst increasing self-esteem, confidence and skills to live an independent life in their community.

NFU Cymru was pleased to support the Cows on Tour team at Coleg Gwent when they introduced a garden area at the Cross Keys campus for the Independent Living Skills (ILS) programme.

Members of Monmouthshire NFU Cymru were on-hand to explain the importance of looking after animals and plants to ensure that, as a nation, we are fed and clothed.

Mat Shervington Jones, Chairman of Cows on Tour and NFU Cymru members, said: “After being approached to create the ILS outdoor learning garden, I couldn’t wait to get started. We completed the garden a few weeks ago and then started work on the official opening. We talked about Cows on Tour having a presence on the day and again I got quite excited. 

“We arrived with goats, sheep, lambs and chickens. The students loved being with the animals and were incredibly receptive and interested. As well as real animals, we also had our famous fibreglass farm animals for a lot of photo opportunities. 

“We talked to the students about animal and crop production, animal husbandry, and life as a farmer to try to inspire them in some way to make this magical space their own.”

Gary Yeomans, Monmouthshire NFU Cymru Council Delegate said: “It is really important to showcase our industry at the present time. Never has it been more important to show how high our welfare and environmental standards are in this country. The garden that was opened will show that you have to look after animals and plants in order to secure a safe food supply going forward. And as farmers we are proud of the food we put on consumers’ plates every single day.”

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