Coronavirus & the Dairy Sector: Impacts and Solutions

We need your help! We are asking members to write to your local MPs and AMs urging them to call on the government to address the unfolding crisis in the British and Welsh dairy sector as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Welsh dairy sector needs support now during the Coronavirus pandemic. Over 700 dairy farmers here in Wales have been severely impacted financially as a result of Coronavirus. This number is growing daily.

NFU Cymru has five urgent asks of government:

1. Welsh Government should provide access to the Economic Resilience Fund, for those in the agricultural sector affected by coronavirus market disruption.

2. The UK Government should look at Private Storage Aid and ‘Production Reduction’ schemes to help restore confidence in the market and prevent the disposal of milk.

3. Welsh Government should explore all Public Procurement contracts to make sure our NHS, military and prisons are all sourcing fresh Welsh and British milk. 

4. Defra should urgently convene with key stakeholders and devolved Governments and help manage flows of milk through the supply chain.

5. Consider other ways of taking milk off the market as we approach peak production such as the setting up of community schemes for milk and milk products to give to the most deprived and vulnerable in our communities through food bank schemes

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NFU Cymru has shared powerful and emotive messages from Welsh dairy farmers affected by the impact Covid-19 has had on the dairy supply chain. You can read it in full here

NFU Cymru has produced a briefing titled Coronavirus & the Dairy Sector: Impacts and Solutions that highlights our key asks and concerns.

Gofynnwch gwestiwn i ni am y dudalen hon

Unwaith y byddwch wedi cyflwyno’ch ymholiad bydd NFU Cymru yn cysylltu â chi ac, os yw’n briodol, bydd eich cwestiwn yn cael ei drosglwyddo i un o’n timau polisi.

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