Agricultural fatality statistics announced for 2023-24

31 Gorffennaf 2024

Updated figures for fatal accidents in British agriculture were released recently, and for the recording year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the figures for Wales have seen significant improvements.

For this recording year, one agricultural fatality was recorded in Wales, this is a significant reduction on the average of four fatalities per year from farming in Wales, and the figure of six recorded for 2022 to 2023.

While the significant reduction is positive, it cannot allow for complacency, as the figures recorded for the last five years amount to 23 fatal injuries. This shows that there is still work to be done to consistently improve the record for agriculture.

Key causes of fatalities

Over the last five years the key causes of fatalities in Wales are transport and being struck by an object, including those that are collapsing or falling.

This is consistent with the main causes of any workplace fatal injury. Transport, especially, needs to be managed safely, as it is the one thing that is used almost everyday on farm to carry out the necessary tasks.

Key actions such as:

  • SafeStop
  • Wearing a helmet on ATVs
  • Ensuring machines and vehicles are well maintained

...are all shown to significantly improve safety on farm.

Average age of those suffering fatal injuries

Over the last five years, the average age of a person suffering a fatality as a result of agriculture in Wales is around 55 years of age. This is slightly lower than the average age in the UK, which is around 60 years of age. The spread of fatalities by age group over the last five years is:

  • 10.5% of the fatalities were under 13 years of age
  • 5.3% of the fatalities were 18 years of age to 39 years of age
  • 57.9% of the fatalities were 40 years of age to 64 years of age
  • 26.3% of the fatalities were 65 years of age and older.

The spread of fatalities over the age groups is representative of the age spread of the agricultural industry in Wales, with the majority of the workforce consisting of the age groups of 40 years of age and older.

This review of the age groups does not include fatalities involving members of the public, it is focused on the agricultural workforce.

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