Aberconwy Member of Parliament meets with Mid Gwynedd County Committee

05 Hydref 2020

There was opportunity to hear a little about his background, a man born and educated in Bangor before moving away to university and making a home for himself in South East England.

With opportunities for face-to-face meetings getting fewer by the day, Mid Gwynedd officials took the decision to invite Robin Millar, MP for Aberconwy, to the latest county meeting.

Having shared his political vision with members and given some context to his understanding of agriculture, members were invited to ask questions.

The main discussion was around the market for lambs and the need for a favourable trade agreement with the EU in order to safeguard the current export market. Members emphasised that this market is essential to constituencies like Aberconwy, with many of the lambs produced in the area ending up on the continent. Mr Millar was pressed to ensure that this message was heard loudly in Westminster as trade talks progress.

Food standards were also raised, with members highlighting he need to ensure that any imported products meet the same standards as those set for farmers in Britain. As the Internal Market Bill moves through Parliament, the need for Wales to maintain powers to make decisions on agricultural policy was emphasised. Members also noted that they didn’t want to see unfair competition in the level of any future support for agriculture within the devolved nations.

On the topic of Covid-19, Mr Millar said he was keen to see recovery measures facilitate investment along the A55 corridor from East to West, to ensure economic recovery across the North. 

Edward Griffith, NFU Cymru Mid Gwynedd Chair, said “With so much critical legislation being discussed in Parliament at the moment, it has been an excellent opportunity for members to discuss issues with our Member of Parliament. It has also been a chance for us to emphasise the importance of the European market and our expectation that the UK Government will safeguard our interests during trade talks.”

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