Complaints procedure

At the NFU and NFU Cymru we aim to give you the best customer service possible. But if you feel we’ve fallen short of this, please let us know. We’ll work with you to put things right and we’ll always try to use your feedback to improve our service where we can. Our complaints procedure lets you know how to go about making a complaint and how to take it further, if you need to.

If you are not happy with our service please contact us and provide details.

To ensure that we can deal with your complaint in a prompt and efficient manner, you are advised to use the contact details below.

Telephone: NFU Call First on 0370 845 8458

Post: Compliance Department
National Farmers Union Head Office
Agriculture House
Stoneleigh Park

Our objective is to deal with all complaints fairly, confidentially and effectively and to keep you updated on the progress made.

If your complaint relates specifically to a NFU staff, NFU representative or Members behaviour at a show or event please click here

Complaints procedure timelines

In the majority of cases we will endeavour to resolve your complaint within one working day of you contacting us.

Occasionally, the resolution may take longer, if the nature of the complaint is more complex. In such an instance we will write to you within five working days to acknowledge your complaint and advise you who will be dealing with the issue.

If we have not resolved your complaint within four weeks we will provide you with an update and an anticipated timescale for conclusion.

In exceptional circumstances, when a complaint is still not resolved after a further four weeks, we will send you a further update to explain why we are unable to send a final response, together with a revised timeframe for resolution.


Once a complaint is resolved we will contact you to confirm our final response with an explanation of the investigations we have undertaken.

If at this point you are dissatisfied with the response to your complaint please contact our Compliance Department via the methods noted above, within 8 weeks of receiving our final response.

If we do not hear from you within 8 weeks of our final response then we will consider the complaint closed.

Complaints about NFU solicitors

Solicitors employed at the NFU are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

If your complaint is about one of our solicitors please allow us 8 weeks to consider your complaint.

If we are unable to resolve it with you then you can take your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman.

The Legal Ombudsman investigates complaints about poor service from solicitors.

There are time limits for referring matters to the Legal Ombudsman. You have up to six months to refer your complaint after we have dealt with it through our complaints’ procedure.

If you would like more information about the Legal Ombudsman, visit

Complaints about behaviour at shows or events

The NFU expects its staff, NFU Representatives and Members to abide by its code of conduct, maintaining the highest standards of behaviour. We encourage people to report behaviour that may constitute a breach of our Code of Conduct for shows and events or does not reflect our shared values.

If your complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the behaviour or action demonstrated by a member of NFU Staff, NFU Representative, or NFU Member, which also evidences a breach of the NFU’s code of conduct requirements, you are advised to use the contact button below.

When reporting a breach of our Code of Conduct please provide contact details so that we can speak to you in confidence and investigate the matter further.  

If you do not wish to submit details on the form below and wish to remain anonymous please call NFU Call First on 0370 845 8458.  

Complaints relating to conduct will be investigated and actioned in accordance with the relevant policies. Any information you provide will be treated with discretion and confidentiality.

Complaints about behaviour at shows or events


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